​A Unique Pedagogical Approach in the Qur'an

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A Unique Pedagogical Approach in the Qur'an

Author: Imam Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan al-Buti
Translator: Mahdi Lock
Publisher: Nawa Books
ISBN: 9789811836602
Weight: 0.2 kg
Pages: 83
Year: 2022
Price: RM30

How does the Qurʾān appeal to man’s perfected rational and emotional constitution and draw him towards the realities that it speaks of, which include all of his intellectual and sentimental faculties, in equal proportion? How is its address formulated to suit all classes of people, of differing educations and ages, such that everyone understands the intended meaning to the extent that his education allows without any contradiction in these understandings?
It is in this book, which contains novel studies on the Qur'an, that you will find the answers to these questions and more, even if its title is familiar and well known.

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