Some Secrets of the Divine Approach

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Some Secrets of the Divine Approach

Author: Imam Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan al-Buti
Translator: Mahdi Lock
Publisher: Nawa Books
ISBN: 9789811893940
Weight: 0.2 kg
Pages: 116
Year: 2024
Price: RM30

In Islam, there are fundamental principles, each of which stands first on the pillar of belief and secondly on conduct. This book contains a brief explanation of all these fundamen tals: it clarifies their basis first from the texts of the Quran and the authentic Sunnah and then, second, succinctly explains their content.

Third, it then discusses their wisdom and benefit to society and the secret behind their legislation. Thus, it combines the knowledge of Islam as creed, thought, and conduct. Among these fundamentals are: faith in Allah and the secret behind its necessity, the way to unite the Muslims, the remembrance of Allah and its effect on man's life, knowledge is the founda- tion of all conduct and creed, gentleness in following religious rulings, and separating from evil and its people.

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