Man and Allah’s Justice on Earth

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Man and Allah’s Justice on Earth

Author: Imam Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan al-Buti
Translator: Mahdi Lock
Publisher: Nawa Books
ISBN: 9789811814235
Weight: 0.2 kg
Pages: 111
Year: 2021
Price: RM35

This important book addresses one of the failed tactics of those who seek to sow doubt in order to push the upcoming generation away from Islam by saying,
‘If Allah existed, justice would prevail throughout the world, because Allah is just. But where is this justice when we see innocent people suffering and criminals living in luxury?’

This book contains a scientific answer to this question and shows the reader how this tactic always fails, as long as a person is adorned with objective thought and a free intellect.

Abḥāth fil-Qimmah (‘Pinnacle Papers’) comprises ten books by the Imam, each of which covers an important topic in Islamic thought. The great scholar deals with several problematic issues that have been raised in recent times in a brillian

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